Controlling for red mite

Regularly check nest boxes and other high risk areas. When picking up alive or dead birds, check them for red mite. Abrasive and desiccant products which damage the mite exoskeleton can be scattered in the nest boxes and put in dust baths. Chemical treatments are also available and you can physically remove mites by vacuuming, brushing, blow torching and using red mite traps. Products should be applied as recommended by the manufacturer and applied to all areas where mites may hide otherwise they will not be effective.

For an in depth discussion on red mite control please read this article from the ranger.

hen with redmite

microscope photo of red mite

Red mite can be a serious problem particularly in older houses. Ensure the house is regularly treated and the hens are regularly checked for infestations. Blood spots on eggs can be a signal that there is a problem with red mite in the house.

Red mite can in large numbers cause anemia and even death in hens. Even in small numbers they can be stressful and can trigger injurious pecking in the flock.

Making improvements

FeatherWel - improving feather cover AssureWel - improving feather cover Defra guide

FeatherWel management guide
[pdf, 5.49mb]

AssureWel advice guide
[pdf, 661kb]

Defra feather pecking guide
[pdf, 503kb]